PHP and databases

–bd adminer–
–bd php–


On top of the previous ones,  PHP BD



Part 1 – Safeguarding of the tickets

Deliverable : zootickoon/mission4/…

  • Get back the information of formTicket.html on recupTicket.php and display them.
  • Produce the database corresponding to the script
  • Add a ticket using the phpmyadmin interface. You may also use adminer for the database interface.
  • Safeguard the form ticket in the database using a SQL request.
insert into ticket(login, sujet, description, prio, secteur, statut) values("zaza","fuite d'eau","l'eau coule du robinet","moyen","savane", "en cours");


Part 2 – Display of the tickets

Deliverable : zootickoon/mission4/…

select * from ticket


Part 3 – Resolution of the tickets

Deliverable : zootickoon/mission4/…

  • Produce a form afficherTicket.php allowing to display a ticket according to its number.
select * from ticket where id=1568
  • Enable to change the displayed ticket status using modifierTicket.php. Use a SQL request.
update ticket set statut="resolu" where id=4568