Hotel management



  • create the duse cases diagramm of the application

part 1 – client

For a connected hotel guest:

  • Allow the user to select a room from a list (@index) and view the details (@show)
  • allow to display the user’s reservations (@index specific to the user)
  • allow you to delete one of your reservations (@delete specific to the user)
  • allow you to modify one of your reservations (@edit/@update specific to the user)
  • calculate the price of a room according to the reservation period
  • display this price on the availability list when the user searches for a room

part 2 – administrator

For a connected hotel administrator:

  • install backpack or an administration interface of your choice
  • allow to modify a room (@edit/@update)
  • allow to delete a room (@delete)
  • allow to display the reservations (@index)
  • allow to display a reservation (@show)
  • allow to delete a reservation (@delete)