Question 1

Sub nomPrenom()
Dim prenom As String, nom As String
prenom = InputBox("prenom")
nom = InputBox("nom")
MsgBox ("tu es" + prenom + nom)
End Sub

Question 2

Sub note()
Dim note As Double
Dim st As String
note = InputBox("note")
note = note * 1.1
st = CStr(note)
MsgBox ("ta note est" + st)
End Sub
Sub t()

Question 3

Dim t As Double
t = InputBox("Quelle est la temperature ?")

If t > 200 Then
MsgBox ("extrêmement chaud")
ElseIf 200 > t And t > 40 Then
MsgBox ("élevé")
ElseIf 40 > t And t > 20 Then
MsgBox ("correct")
ElseIf 20 >= t And t > 0 Then
MsgBox ("correct")
MsgBox ("Beaucoup trop froid")
End If
End Sub


Function com(montant As Double)
    com As Double
    com = 20
    If montant >= 5000 Then
      com = 5000 * 0.012 + (montant - 5000) * 0.009
      com = montant * 0.012
    End If
    If com < 20 Then
      com = 20
    End If
    MsgBox com
End Function

Function age(datee As Date)
Dim a As Integer
 age = DateDiff("yyyy", datee, Date)
 MsgBox age
End Function

Function etudiant() As String
Dim cellule As Range
Dim nb As Integer, Mini As Integer, Maxi As Integer, r As Integer
nb = 0
For Each cellule In Range("A1:A14")
If Not IsEmpty(cellule) Then
nb = nb + 1
End If
 Mini = 1
 Maxi = nb
 r = Int((Maxi - Mini + 1) * Rnd + Mini)
 etudiant = Range("A" & r).Value
 MsgBox (etudiant)
End Function

Exercice 7
Sub nbplus()
Dim tableau(10) As Integer, r As String, s As Integer, max As Integer
 r = ""
 For i = 0 To 10
 tableau(i) = Int((50 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
 r = r & " " & tableau(i)
 MsgBox (r)
 s = 0
 For i = 0 To 10
 s = s + tableau(i)
 MsgBox (s)
 max = tableau(0)
 For i = 1 To 10
 If tableau(i) > max Then
 max = tableau(i)
 End If
 MsgBox (max)
End Sub

Exercice 8
Sub madate()
Range("B2").Value = Date
End Sub

exercice 9

Créer un bouton qui lance le formulaire.
Sub lancement()
End Sub

Au clic du bouton ok, fermer la fenetre et realiser le calcul.
Private Sub ok_Click()
Dim a As Integer
a = CInt(TextBox1) + CInt(TextBox2)
Range("C1").Value = a
End Sub

Mission Loto
Sub loto()

Dim tableau(2) As Double, essai(2) As Double, hit As Integer, stack As Double, try As Integer

stack = 0

try = 0



stack = stack - 5

try = try + 1

For i = 0 To 2

tableau(i) = Int(49 * Rnd + 1)

If i = 1 Then

While tableau(i) = tableau(0)

tableau(i) = Int(49 * Rnd + 1)


End If

If i = 2 Then

While tableau(i) = tableau(0) or tableau(i) = tableau(2)

tableau(i) = Int(49 * Rnd + 1)


End If


MsgBox (CStr(tableau(0)) + " " + CStr(tableau(1)) + " " + CStr(tableau(2)))

For i = 0 To 2

essai(i) = InputBox("entrer un nombre entre 1 et 50")

If i = 1 Then

while essai(i) = essai(0)

essai(i) = inputbox("entrez un autre nombre")


End If

If i = 2 Then

while essai(i) = essai(0) or essai(i) = essai(1)

essai(i) = inputbox("entrez un autre nombre")


End If


hit = 0

For i = 0 To 2

For j = 0 To 2

If tableau(i) = essai(j) Then hit = hit + 1



If hit = 2 Then

stack = stack + 500

MsgBox ("vous avez gagnez 500")

Range("A" & try).Value = 500

ElseIf hit = 3 Then

stack = stack + 5000

MsgBox ("vous avez gagné 5000")

Range("A" & try).Value = 5000

Else MsgBox ("desolé t'as perdu")

Range("A" & try).Value = 0

End If

MsgBox (CStr(stack))

choix = InputBox("voulez-vous rejouer")

Loop While choix = "oui"

MsgBox ("vos gains totaux sont de " + CStr(stack))

Range("B" & 1).Value = stack

End Sub